20 April, 2010

Redesigning 200 feet of a Flower Bed

I think I have my head wrapped around redesigning my long planting bed.

I have two of my garden-mindful neighbors plotting a list of trees. We are going to start with which trees to put in place and then move to the taller shrubs and then the perennials and annuals, ground-covers and et ceteras.
Above photo Before 
and to the right - the aftermath.
I think the loggers did a bang-up job.
They managed to keep what they could.
Even though the star magnolia is decimated - it was a white star magnolia SOLD as a pink star magnolia. This time around - I am making sure it is pink.
The small tree near center (by red tulips) is a Kousa (chinese) Dogwood. Just coming on to bloom.

Wood piled where the swing set used to hang out.
Plants near the front of the border are kinda okay. Hopefully we'll get some April showers to help with the stress of serious pruning AND seeing sunlight.

If I keep the viewfinder away from the left - I seem to be doing okay.

It's rather nice to contemplate a serious restructuring of this planting bed. No hurries - except for choosing the tall trees.

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