12 September, 2017

Proud Of My Garden

 It rained Saturday night. Blessed Rain.
Took the lingering smoke from the forest fires out of the air.

 I planted all of my sunflower seeds over a section of the garden and they ended up somehow, only in two places.

This fuzzy sunflower and it's 'friend', L'escargot, are in fine form today.

Thankfully, Peter Rabbit and his twin did not eat these seedlings. Or, did they dine on some?
They really liked my squash and pumpkin seedlings.  Good thing rabbits are cute.

 I'm really liking this dahlia and it's red spurs, randomly placed. I am a lazy gardener at best, and I don't dig my dahlia tubers for the winter. The blessings of living in the mild Willamette Valley.

Sometimes I lose some, sometimes they come back.

Everbearing Strawberries

  Look! at my amazing amaryllis.

I threw these used bulbs outside in this very sunny exposed bed in the garden years ago and they are thriving.
Since they are thriving, I meant to toss the last ones from Christmas here as well. But in the winter, I don't know where these pink ones are.

 My Fireworks Dahlia. I think I bought this tuber in the store in town and I don't think it's got a name but I might dig this one up for winter. Maybe.      I hope it comes back next year.

 Nasturtiums, cucumber vines and Dill. Yes, a weird combination. But they seem to like each other.

 I put this fence in over 25 years ago. My garden area is about 50 feet x 50 feet. The fenced area is about 25 x 25 ft. To keep the rambunctious dogs out. Haha. Those dogs loved strawberries, raspberries, peas. But it did keep them from running through new plants.

It does not keep Peter Rabbit and his friends out.

The bare ground is where I am digging my potatoes. The plants have died down and they are through growing. That's the hangar back there.

Anyway, I grow my peas and cukes on this fencing. The perimeter is not  whole anymore after many years of rototiller adventures and kids and dogs. Not to mention the wildlife I choose not to see.

 The runway is over to the left in this photo. Strawberries in upper right side. Sunflowers in upper back. Cukes and nasturtiums in front center

Garden path. We have pavers in front of the hangar which is to the right in this photo. The strawberries were all along the right edge of this paved path and jumped ship a long time ago to a happier place. Now I grow sedums where the strawberries used to be (righthand side of path).

Also a small Japanese maple tree.

 Strawberry leaves all dewy with rain with sunflowers and dahlias providing a pretty background. The raspberries are behind that providing a bit of a windbreak.

I don't always keep up with my garden but I rearranged things in my life a bit and managed an awesome garden this year. Usually the weeds get the upper hand *fast*.

I'm hoping all these cool sunflowers reseed themselves.


  1. WOW gorgeous pics, gorgeous produce and flowers ... and one sweet lil l'escargot! I saw him in the picture before reading your text - I was going to ask you if you knew you had a wee visitor, but then I saw that you did :) That amaryllis is particularly fetching!

  2. Wow, you have some gorgeous dahlias. Good shots of them, too. I loved seeing the raspberries and tomatoes.. yummy! You're such a hard working lady! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  3. Beautiful pics. You are so lucky to have the space and sun. I have a heavily wooded lot that gets no sun. Can't even grow grass.

  4. Such a lot of lovely plants - and such a lot of work? We have a bit of grass with an apple tree, and s bit of jungle! We once had raspberries- a neighbour was so appalled at us not looking after them that he used to let himself into the garden to do whatever needed doing! Since he died (about 15 years ago) they seems to have tuned themselves into blackberry bushes! (Or died and blackberries have self seeded!) I do make blackberry and apple crumble when both have fruit at the same time!

  5. Beautiful flowers, especially the dahlias and sunflowers. I've just begun to sow sunflower seeds. Last year was my first time. As they did well, I'm covering a larger area this year.


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