07 July, 2012


We arrived on the ferry from Stockholm, docking in Mariehamn in the early afternoon. Waiting to board & waiting to disembark caused me to break out in a full-on sweat. Hundreds of passengers pressed into tight corners all trying to get on/off at the same time.

The hotel I chose (still cannot manage hyperlinks on this smarty pants phone) was thankfully quite near the ferry termimal.
No sooner had we checked in and dumped our gear than our room phone jingled. It was hubby's 2nd cousin come to collect us and find more relatives.
Of course, I was that close to a shower that had to be aborted.

His grandparents were both born in and near Mariehamn. His grandfather was 6 out of 9 siblings. Some went to America, some came back, some stayed.
We met five second cousins today.

One who is a twin to hubby. He's actually the son of second cousin (numero uno) Eila.

Descendants (straight) from hubby's grandfathers' sister have lived in this house forever (1860's).

Next up: two sisters ( 2nd cousins to hubby) who never had children. When their mom died, the sisters sold the land, but kept the family home.

Pictures were brought out, stories told.

I finally got my shower at 6:30pm.

Eila will be here to pick us up at 10:30am sharp. (Sunday)
Gonna do some sightseeing.

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