Basic Tricks To Take Your Sewing Up A Notch

14 September, 2015

Ahh-Choo Giveaway

Pencil Girl wanted a tissue holder. Do you?

Any of the above or comment below with your preferred color, stripe, print, dots, lace, airplane,  or ?

I'm more than happy to make one and post it to you. These are for standard USA pocket tissues with the opening running end to end. I know the japanese tissue packs are thinner than this holder.  I'm not sure about Europe. USA pocket tissue pack is about 1/2" thick (1.27 cm)

I'll be sending them inside out (flatter) without the tissue pack.

I'm mostly using scraps, except for some Tula Pink rabbits that snuck onto the cutting mat.

 Rusty and I went outside to smell things - a few raindrops are very welcome to our parched yard.
My zucchini I planted in late July are coming on strong - I swear I looked yesterday and missed the big honker in back.

My pumpkins and cucumbers are blooming crazy with little 'fruits' starting next week. Everyone else planted at the normal time in June and had orange pumpkins in August. We had about four months with no rain this summer.

By planting late, I'll have
orange pumpkins in October. Plus I was super lazy about the garden with too much overtime and no rain and dragging hoses around.

Anyway - leave me a comment or contact me directly at k8hobbies (At)yahoo (dot)com if you'd like a free tissue holder.
The leftovers will get listed into my etsy shop.

4:42pm - I sewed some more up this last hour:::


...and four more last night.....


  1. Oh oh.. I'd love a little polka dotted one. What do I owe you? I wish our zucchini plant had done well.. I covet one of those too.. ours only got 2 inches long and then fell off.. I can't imagine failing at zukes. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

    1. It's like super difficult to experience a zucchini fail.
      No $$.
      I'll send you a polka dot one. :-)

  2. I Luuuuuv the kitty. Ooh, that retro cuteness!!

    My zucchini's failed here, too. I was so disappointed as I thought they were infallable! I got a little start, but then they all fell off, just like Teresa's. That was a couple years ago but made me give up all together.

  3. Oh my gosh! Those cats are so cute!

  4. Oh yes please! It has to be Airplane fabric if it's coming from you!

  5. I am growing mini-pumpkins but something ate the leaves off the vine and one of the mini-pumpkins two nights ago!!!!!!! I now have my lawn furniture protecting the deer deterrent system!

  6. I just received my tissue holder in the mail! I love it! Thank you so much!

  7. I feel terrible asking but I'd love a tissue holder! I mentioned before that I'm thinking of doing dome to sell locally (don't think I'm in any danger of encroaching in your market space !). So aside from being a sucker for a sweet international bloggy pressie / swap (not sure what I'll swap but I'll think of something), I also want to be canine the construction lol as I'm quite sure I know how to make them, but a bit of research never goes amiss! BTW I think our UK tissue packs are the same size.
    Anyway, if there's a retro kitty one still available is love it please :) My email is, if you email me I'll send you my address - hope that makes sense :)

  8. Oh just realised kitty ones are in your shop already - dog - read the post properly Jill. If I had to choose I'd say red and print please but any of them really, they are all lovely. And now I'm off to email you because I just read that but properly too!!!

  9. I like the blue real with black print on top


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