Basic Tricks To Take Your Sewing Up A Notch

27 September, 2015

Flock And Fiber Festival


Stink eye

 See this black dude - he's got spots - as in Dalmation spots

 I met up with some blogging friends yesterday afternoon at the Oregon Flock & Fiber Festival at the Canby Fairgrounds. It's a free event and it is just amazing to see all the spinners, the knitters, the groupies, the alpaca's. The event keeps getting bigger and bigger.

For those that want to dye their yarns, comb their wools,  this is the place to take classes and show off your wares.

Unwashed Mohair
 I bought some of the unwashed/undyed and some brown dyed mohair to use the curly locks in felting. Planning on making a sheep. Teresa bought one (!) already felted. It was cute - square nails for legs, cute little face. I really liked the curly outer coat.

Every color under the rainbow

Felted sheepies.

Customers wearing their fiber arts

Spinning circle

 I don't know about you, but I think she is holding his ear and twisting it to keep him so still.

They have judging events here too.

This last month I've been watching The Great British Sewing Bee.
The entire seasons 2 and 3 are now on Youtube.

No more trying to watch on sketchy internet sites. I've heard a rumor that season 4 is being filmed. 

I've also been watching this season's Project Runway which has definitely toned down the drama and other subjects which have nothing to do with sewing. I appreciate Heidi focusing more on sewing and designing.

24 September, 2015

Last Flight 2015

The sky was just gorgeous with these streams of cottonball clouds.
I started taking photos from my back yard and decided to post most of them from our flight tonight.

Because the sky was outstanding. It outperformed itself.

First stop was fueling up the plane at a little strip just southwest of us. We pump our own avgas. I attach a cable to some random metal part of the airplane to ground it, so sparks don't have an electrical moment. Then I run the fuel nozzle hose over to the plane. Hubby has a board that straddles the front cockpit to stand on. The fuel tank is in the center section of the upper wing.

Keep looking at those clouds.

The lighting was good enough to get a sorry photo of Mt. Hood - still naked.

And off we go again. Sometimes, I wish I had a camera good enough to capture the almost full moon like Teresa does. I have a little Nikon Coolpix. It does alright. Most importantly, it has a strap. Because the slipstream is fierce outside the cockpit and will whip that camera out of your hand in a nanosecond.

I saw these two trees in a newly tilled field and look at the long shadows.

The lighting was great. Shadows on the wing, detail down below, not too much haze.

 Another of Mt. Hood. Dusk is a great time to take photos to avoid the haziest parts of the day.

We flew around for forty minutes or so, to get the engine oil all warmed up.
It's good for the engine, and for us.

Mostly, we flew south and east  and then back to Canbyland.

The sun started its descent and I started getting the best photos.

 The sun playing with those lovely clouds.

 Reflections off the wings.

 This might be my favorite shot tonight.

Almost home. That's my airpark - center in the photo above.
You can pick out the line of houses, in front of them is the grass runway (red line)
I'm near the end of the street, it's about 1/2 mile long.

20 September, 2015

Keep Calm

  Very calm at dawn this morning.

 My friend in Japan sent me a wee present in the mail recently.
See those tiny airplanes. ;-)

A little Budgie sticker decorating the package.

 Yesterday, another friend and I drove out to the Dahlia fields of Swan Island Dahlias.
They are in full bloom.

Bumble Rumble

 One of my dahlias at dawn. I got this bulb from my mom & dad's place.

I was feeling a bit sluggish today. After cleaning up a couple of flower beds by the house. No wonder!

After taking a shower, I lay down and read and then decided to read until I finished my book, "The Dressmaker"   by Kate Alcott.

 This afternoon, I thought I'd finish my foray into pocket tissue covers.
I thought this dotted red went well with my wee airplane fabric totally disregarding the fact that the red showed very clearly through the the white background fabric.
The red peeking through turns the white into dirty white. Not good.

I'd only sewn three seams in a continuous row of eight covers when I thought about it. Then I switched to the blue background and came up one lining short having sewn two linings onto an outer blue fabric.
God - where's the seam ripper?

 After tossing my house, I found it by the laptop and while totally broken in (lol), it worked well enough to rip stitches out.

There's a cap that goes to this seam ripper which pops onto the end to extend the handle. It always came off at a crucial moment, so it was retired first. I think I've had this seam ripper for at east a dozen years.

In all the sewing supplies I find at garage sales, I never, ever, find seam rippers. Because they break.
Looks like a trip to the fabric store is in order....

I put my sewing away because it's obviously not in the works today.

My daughter re-arranged the guest room opening up some floor space where I am now seriously contemplating the IKEA Button Rug that I saw on a recent trip there a few weeks ago.

Only $49