Basic Tricks To Take Your Sewing Up A Notch

22 August, 2012

Huskies & Husqvarnas

As an eclectic collector of all things Alaska and Airplanes, I was blown away by the scope of this project.   Pendleton Woolen Mills shared their share of this (gonna be) classic Canadian Pacific DC-3 Yarn Bomb.

Canadian Pacific DC-3 Yarn Bomb from Tyler Kuhn on Vimeo.
{{If video won't load - just click on the link above.}}

 ***borrowed form the Vimeo site:

""Canadian Pacific DC-3 Yarn Bomb
Knitting for History: Yarn Bombing the DC-3
On Saturday August 11 the Yarn Bomb Yukon Collective, in partnership with the Yukon Transportation Museum and the Yukon Arts Centre, broke a world record by creating the world's largest transportation yarn bomb. A dedicated team spent months knitting over 6000 square feet of blankets and sewing them together into giant pattern panels. Then on the fateful Saturday they came together to install their creation on Whitehorse, Yukon's historic DC-3 plane (which is incidentally also the world's largest weather vane).
The purpose of this interactive public art project was to transform a historic aircraft into a large scale public art project, to foster an appreciation for fibre arts, and to teach the lifelong skills of knitting and crocheting to adults and children. Once the project is complete, blankets will be donated to local charities and shelters.
The giant yarn bomb will be installed and on display for the public to appreciate until August 21, 2012 at the Yukon Transportation Museum (
The Yarn Bomb Yukon Collective actively promotes fibre arts through yarn bombing inanimate objects and offering workshops on fibre arts and yarn bombing to the public. We are based out of Whitehorse, Yukon.
To learn more about us please visit:
Don't forget to follow us on Facebook or Twitter.
And if you want to see some stills from the project, look here:
Shot on a Canon 7D, Canon 20D and GoPro Hero2
18-55 F2.8 IS
70-200 F4 L
Huskies & Husqvarnas
Tim Hus
Huskies & Husqvarnas (2006)

The questions you gotta ask yourself while watching is, "How did I miss this catchy song?

"...where huskies & husqvarnas are the tools of the trade..."

More on yarnbombing

And a little more:

21 August, 2012

The Other Side Of Battleground

My niece recently moved from this side of Battleground to the far side of Battleground. About 10 minutes further from me.

They have two girls (my practice grandkids) and now have a craft room, a play room, and bedrooms for everyone.
Plus a barn/shop, a play structure, her hubby's childhood horse, hay fields, and a creek.

Someone gave them the above-ground pool. Plenty of room for a growing family. A perfect spot.

Even though she is further away.

18 August, 2012

Beaver Addiction

It all started with a facebook post from a friend of mine.
Nine google searches later and an un-defined amount of time led to stumbling upon this video.

A little Beaver addiction.

16 August, 2012

Seaside Beach Volleyball Tournament

 The Seaside Beach Volleyball Tournament was last weekend (2nd weekend in August). My son has been competing the last few years. This year, he was still playing when I finished my Saturday work so I zipped ( haha - 2 hours!) down to Seaside to watch him play.

Last year, he was eliminated just as I finished work. This was my first visit to Seaside in a long while.
Seaside is the beach you go to if you want to do some shopping in the outlet malls, or play games in the arcade or visit the Seaside Aquarium.

The beach does not rank as my first choice (native Oregonian). Oregon has nearly 363 miles of beautiful beaches if you need to feel the Pacific between your toes .
The soft sand at Seaside extends out about 1/2 mile - the hard sand another 1/2 mile before you can even touch the salty ocean. Shells, Schmells, nada.

For a volleyball tournament, way cool.

Brian's partner has played club ball but the soft sand was exhausting. Her legs were like jello after just a few games on Friday. By Saturday? most teams were suffering - except for the Californian's. They are about the only teams to actually practice on beach sand.

The other problem with Seaside is too many people.
The day started in clouds and eventually the sun burned through around 4pm.

The wind is also an interesting factor in beach volleyball. Switching courts, reminding oneself to play harder against the wind, or softer with the wind.

Who is Naomi and what did Kevin do?
We were entertained around 3:30pm  by a Cessna 150 towing this sign from Kevin. It circled the volleyball courts at least five times before heading back to the airport.
Not your usual "Please marry me" sign.

10 August, 2012


Someone sent me this link and I totally need some ping pong balls.
The article is here:

The video is here:

06 August, 2012

Knapp Carlsson

 If you ever need a fantastic button or perfect trim . . .
Knapp Carlsson in Gothenberg, Sweden  is a beautiful inspiration.
Eye candy? Oh my.

 Cabinet after cabinet filled with threads, trims, buttons.
Old cabinets. I lusted after the cabinets.

 A busy, narrow store. Utilizing every square inch in a dreamy, creative display.

 Button, button, who's got the button?

 The Swedes are big on please take a number. More efficient. 

One of my problems with the trip photos is I took photos with both my smarty pants phone and my digital camera.
The smart phone is a really good camera but hard to use outside in the sun with all the glare on the screen. Sometimes where we were are on both camera and phone as hubby was also taking photos.
The only bad part is how to combine photos from both cameras. The smart phone will e-mail me each photo but seems to balk at sending more than one photo at a time (tedious).
It's actually faster using the android blogging tool to post a photo to the blog.
So - basically some of these photos take some time to place them where I need them to be.

Thankfully these Knapp Carlsson's were all on the digital camera which were much easier to upload.
The smarty pants has a SD card which might have all the photos in an easier to load format but it's one of those tiny sd cards. Not sure how that works. Child was home this weekend and I forgot to ask him. Anyone got ideas? on how to download all the camera photos (and also get them off my phone to cut down on battery suction?

I'll leave you with some small trivia. Gothenberg is on the west coast of Sweden and where we started our trip. Also written as Goteberg (o with the two dots on it. Don't have the Scandinavian alphabet thingy on regular blogger - I do have it on the smarty pants phone!).
Gothenberg is pronounced (roughly from a native Oregonian) GO-thin-berg.
Goteberg is pronounced  ga-tooeybery

One is Swedish, the other Finnish.


My friend Tuike (TOO-E-KAY) lives there now. She grew up in Finland and her apartment is the best place to stay in Sweden.
She cooked and fed us even though she 'isn't a very good cook".   She is a wonderful cook - don't let her tell you otherwise.

She made a fruit pie ( I would call this a thin cake) for ME --gluten-free and another for hubby with regular flour. This is where I learned my new baking trick. I commented on the crunchiness of the 'crust' and she shared her secret. She grates almond paste over the top. I did this to my blueberry muffins. Everyone loved it.

She took time off work - well really - she's managed to take most of the summer off work but anyway, she planned out some fun ways to see Gothenberg and also allowed some airplanes and sewing places into the mix.

Volleyball Hat

Tiny bit of sewing for child. He found a hat he could wear while waiting around at the volleyball tournament this weekend.
He wanted a black band about 1 1/4" wide that tucked in at one side.
Looking through my lack of black fabrics, I decided on a bias strip of OSU orange fabric, then I spied this Guatemalan belt of multi-colors.

Belt frays so I blanket stitched the ends to keep fraying at a minimum and fray-checked that stitching.
Then I tacked it down in a couple of spots on the hat.

Hat found in house.
Guatemalan belt free at a garage sale.
Steamed to make belt tighter.

Volleyball tournament in Seaside this weekend August 10 -12th, 2012
On the beach.

05 August, 2012

Cottage Grove, Oregon

I only go to Cottage Grove for three things.
One:   The Stearman Fly-in is held here in early August.
Two:   Territorial Seeds is right there on the Cottage Grove airfield.
Three: I get to fly here.

There supposedly is a fabric store on Main ( Pandora's Box) but I haven't managed it yet.

Our first terribly HOT day in Oregon at nearly 100'f (40'c) was, well, hot.
We flew down after I got off work and stayed around to talk Stearman with new & old friends.

I traipsed over to Territorial where you can touch everything plantwise that is in their awesome catalog.
I bought some seeds for fall planting (as soon as our 'heat wave' breaks) and some Wallo' waters for next spring's tomato plants.

 Flying south to Cottage Grove. Farmers have mostly bailed their hay by this time and there are intricate designs in the fields. Hard to photograph today because of the noon hour and the hot haze.
Purple lavender field blooming. Not sure what orange field is -at center. Maybe clover.

 Some of the stubble fields are burned (controlled). This one struck my camera eye.


There was a small breeze as we sat under the wings of our Stearmans and chatted idly about anything you had the energy to discuss while drinking bottle after bottle of water.
Dinner at 6pm was catered and good and we flew home shortly afterwards.

That flight home was even more hot. Our poor wooden prop could not beat hard enough to lift us higher without the oil pressure skyrocketing. We battled it out at 2400', hot and bothered.

I took a couple of videos and some photos which I will drag to the bottom of this post - not to bore you or anything with too many fond photos of cool planes.

After our epic trip to Sweden & Finland, I have about a thousand photos to deal with. I've pretty much decided what I am doing with them but 'someone' (me) has to actually do the organizing.

One book will be photos of the trip. The second might be of the cool planes. The third -- of discovered family with a few genealogy charts scanned in.

I also need to figure out which ones to print out to send to said family in Mariehamn. I did a fantastic job of bringing thank you gifts so I don't feel the need to send out more. One tiny thing checked off my list.
I came back to a yard gone wild and a nice full-load work schedule which has already paid off the visa (good) but has left little time for updating the blog, sewing, or just rambling.
My husband's jet-lag cold turned into Pneumonia making me feel quite behind in my summer busyness.
I have thought of some blog post ideas and will get to them as soon as I can.

I refuse to show zucchini on my blog but rest assured we have lots and lots of garden produce; tomatoes, potatoes, blueberries, raspberries, greens, basil, and zucchini.
Not gonna show all the weeds either. They are being dealt with, slowly.

Waco recently restored. Owner-pilot is only a few hours into his 20 hours dual instruction.

To see more photos from a previous flyin, go here.
As you scroll through, look for our plane.

Need a hint?

Baby Back Ribs

This is what we are dining on tonight.
Baby Back Ribs.

My recipe:
Buy the Baby Back Ribs (pork loin) in the thick plastic. It will be a whole rack which I cut into three or four ribs each. These are not spare ribs or beef ribs which are fattier. These are the leaner, meatier good ribs. And more expensive.

First we are going to BBQ these rib sections to seal in the juices. Then we will slow-cook them, encased in foil in the oven. Afterwards, when the meat is starting to fall off the bone, we will finish them off on the BBQ.
Process takes about 3 - 4 hours. But only about 1/2 hour of actual 'minding'. 15 minutes at the beginning and 15 minutes at the end.

Baby Back Ribs cut into 3/4 rib sections.
BBQ sauce.
Extra wide thick foil.

I salt/pepper/season my rib sections.
Sometimes I add a BBQ sauce coating.

Heat up your BBQ and place rib sections inside to 'braise' them. Turning once or twice. Once outside looks 'dry', they are sealed.
Get your big cookie sheet out and lay out a big piece of extra wide foil. Maybe 36"?
I lay a 12" wide normal foil layer on top of this for re-enforcement.

As your ribs come off the bbq, layer onto the foil. You are going to fold up your foil to make a package. Crimp edges. I start with bringing the short edges together and fold over two/three times.
Then I match edges on the sides and fold over two/three times.

Toss cookie sheet with foil package into a 300'f oven.
For about 2 -3 hours. If you need to go into town and watch the parade, maybe turn the oven down to 275'. This time depends on your ribs. Some ribs have more meat, thicker, skinnier, etc.

Note on BBQ sauce. I don't make my own but I do look for one that doesn't contain soy or wheat.

Finish on the BBQ. Heat up the BBQ, check on those ribs. {forgot to add here: Watch out when opening packet: steam is hot}  Meat should be starting to fall off the bone. It's normal for liquid to accumulate in your 'package'

Brush BBQ sauce on meat. Lay on BBQ. Low - Medium heat. As side-down 'dries', turn. My goal is three  layers of BBQ sauce. As each layer cooks on, add more. They are done when people hover.

Serve with fresh corn on the cob, watermelon and plenty of napkins.

One rack feeds 2 -3 people. Two racks feeds 4-5 people.